Elementary Kit for Programming
The Elementary Kit for Programming is compatible with Micro:Bit board which is widely used in Elementary. The sensors included in the package measure physical quantities that students can understand and are related to the school curriculum.
The whole package (sensors – motors) is fully compatible with the Scratch Mind+ version
Shield for Micro:Bit
Geekservo 2kg 360 Degrees lego compatible
2x Servo 360 lego compatible
Battery holder 6xAA with Jack 5.5×2.1
LCD 1602 I2C Module
Distance sensor 2-400cm HR-SR04 (ψηφιακός)
Octopus 1 Channel 3v Relay Module
Octopus light sensor (analog)
Octopus Soil Moisture Sensor (analog)
Octopus LM35 Analog Temperature (analog)
Octopus Water level sensor (analog)
Octopus 2 Channel Tracking Module (digital)
Water Pump
Jumper Wires F/F
Jumper Wires M/F